Thursday, April 23, 2015

Our super hot spell has finally been cracked with the arrival of a good rain.  It's raining as I write.  Man, it was hot!

The weather here can be very challenging, and it seems sometimes that nearly everyone has some kind of cough, cold or fever.  Patty developed some kind of throat infection that sent us to doctor/hospital visits the last three evenings.

We saw Dr. Narong, our usual pediatrician, the first evening, but Patty didn't seem to be responding to the medicine he'd given and he wasn't open the second night, so we went to the ER at Srinagarind Hospital, where things take longer and they do a thorough work-up with x-rays, blood and urine labwork, and they gave IV fluids cause Patty hasn''t been able to eat much.  It had been a late-hour decision to go there, and we wound up getting home at 4 a.m.  Lak subsequently took a half day off, I slept late but still just got a half night's sleep.

Again, when Patty still hadn't improved, we took Patty to see Dr. Narong again, who prescribed a different antibiotic, saying that the infection was resistant to the first one he'd prescribed, and he stated the two meds given by the hospital would not be of benefit.  The ER visit had been expensive, also, besides evidently being relatively useless.

Now she is doing better.  Bottom line, her disposition remains remarkably good during most of this.  She's inspiring that way!

Some recent photo and videos:

(Patty has found that doing selfie videos are an exciting way to show off her various prized toys, or just a great opportunity to ham it up in front of a camera!)


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